About us

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Hi! You are on the website that was created to help you to solve any problem you have with your Windows and PC at all. This website named "Easy Windows" and it`s goal - to help you setup your system the best way and make Windows OS really easy for you. Here you will find the most usefull information for any PC user.

About author

author fotoMy name is Roman. And I am the author and main administrator of this website as well as other projects including youtube chanells. I have more than 18 years of IT experience. 

Many years I spent creating websites and teaching others to do this.

But last 8 years I teach people to use a computer, Windows OS and optimize it. To do this I use youtube videos. For example, I have russian language youtube chanell with 200 000+ subscribers.

In 2020 I decided to help english speaking people to understand their PCs. To do this I`ve created this project "Easy Windows" and Youtube chanell "PC NP" (pc no problems).

Wish you to find answers to your questions and new usefull tips to upgrade your IT skills! 

If you have questions or some propositions go to "Contacts page" or use a form below to contact me.

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